Sunday, March 22, 2020

Using your Time

This quarantine has changed our lives. Our daily routines have been shut down. We all have restrictions on what we want to do and how we enjoy spending our time.
Before my fitness center and pool were taken off limits, I had planned to use the time at home to "reset" my goals and prioritize my time better. You know, get back to myself. Now being confined to my four walls, I am limited to fewer ways to get through this time.
So far, yes, we can still venture out to trails and parks... if someone could get Mother Nature to help us out a little, I would be completely indebted. This rain is another boundary to joy... like being entrapped in a big long "sick day" without being ill.
However, I am a Taurus. 100%. Am I able to remain in a sad fate of sadness? Sometimes I think so... but then I remember who I am. I'm not going to allow all these restrictions to take away my mission, and you shouldn't either.
We have no control over any of this. All we can do is be grateful for what we do have, trust the better days ahead and help one another. 
I want to encourage and inspire people. We will eventually get back into gyms (and conference rooms), and I will see my fitness fam again. I will continue to pursue public options for SHiNE in Austin/Texas (Have speaker, Will travel). Studying my ass off, I am determined to obtain certification as a Group Fitness Instructor. 
This time can be utilized to reflect on our lives. What have we been taking for granted? What have you been putting off that once bans are lifted you can do? Those "bucket lists"... reassess them. Who do you miss? Have you told them?
One life. It's all that we are aware that we have. Quarantine time... we fear the unknown. So let's focus on what we have right now, and look to how we can live our best and be our best once we're able to share time together. Changed. Hopefully improved.