Spring is probably the most anticipated time for changes. For those of us in Illinois, or anywhere this year that has been hit particularly hard by this winter's snow, ice and frigid temperatures, I think we are all quite ready for the change of seasons.
This week also marks Lent. I am not Catholic, but I hold respect for other religions, and I truly advocate meditation and reflection. The new Associate Pastor at our church just wrote about the origins and the purpose of the 40 days in the published bulletin. The sentences that struck me are the things that I never hear anyone talk about when it is Lent. Our beings rise from ash, return to ash, and our responsibilities are what we do with our time in between. Sure, Lent is a time when all of us can look at our temptations and practice restraint, but this year, I am particularly going to focus on my purpose in this life.
As the temperatures start to rise (we all hope!) and new life in plants and trees form, let us all look inward at what we have to offer for growth and change. I am ready to spring forward.