Thursday, February 22, 2018

Affirmations and Perspective

Affirmations are statements that we can repeat to ourselves that can redirect our perspective, which is our attitude and outlook on our lives.

There are so many negative people, and unfortunately, more are being created every day.  Poor souls that just want to bring you down and make you feel inferior.  It is difficult for me to remember that this behavior is so much more about "them" than it is about me.  It is challenging for me to not take things personally and back up to see the bigger picture.

I am so blessed with a tremendous support team.  I am loved and cared for and encouraged by so many amazing, talented people.  I need to remember to give those people the megaphones and redirect my attention away from the doubters and haters - even when the loudest one happens to be me.

It is very easy for me to allow the negativity to pull me down and to focus on all that is going wrong or areas of my life that feel completely out of my control.  Thankfully, I have the glimmer of words spoken to me or written to me that live in my memory.  Devoting my attention to those reminders and absorbing them as much as possible truly helps me rise above the struggles and just keep going.

Amplifying the positive statements and pulling them into the spotlight helps me to continue to be my best and push to be even better.  I've worked too hard on myself to quit and give up... and I owe it to all those I adore and treasure to keep inspiring them as they encourage me.  Low moments make me vulnerable, but rising back up helps me to be courageous, which is the goal after all.  Out of the comfort zone.  Evolving.  It isn't easy - which is why most people don't want to do it. 

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